Evolving with Etta ~ The Podcast
This Podcast is about positivity/encouragement. In a world full of chaos, I'm proud to be one that filters encouraging and valuable content into the world. In life, in order to grow one must change. As we change one must evolve."To Evolve Is To Live"Now go out there and Iive your life.❣
Evolving with Etta ~ The Podcast
S2, E13 - Relationships, How They Work
Evolving with Etta
Season 2
Episode 13
Hello My Evolvers,
Today's upload is all about how your relationship with your mate can improve your relationships with your friends and vice-versa.
Many times in life we'll have experiences that teach us lessons. Some of us learn from the actual act and some learn from watching others go through the process. Either way, you need true relationships to make the world go round.
Do you think relationships with your friends help you maintain a good relationship with your mate and vice-versa? Let's engage, tell me what you like about my podcast and what keeps you listening.
My email address is;
Thank you for stopping by to take my content in. I hope you find great value in my uploads.
Have a great day.
"To Evolve Is To Live"